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ARAM Addiction Recovery Hub

  • 3/169, Mahathma Street , Tamil Nadu, Madurai , India

Certified Specialist in Psychotherapy and Rehabilitation-Aram Rehab Hospice Director Welcome to (Affliction Rehabilitation Aid Management) ARAM Center! From a director’s clinical perspective I feel that we have the highest quality rehabilitation centers and programs in the state. I have watched the growth and expansion of ARAM Rehab from its early life and I can assure you that it has always kept an eye on quality. ARAM makes sure that each and every patient receives the hands-on, individual attention that patients deserve. ARAM Rehab has a phenomenal group of addiction, psychological, physical, occupational and speech therapists that provide skillful care that is unmatched in the region. We have the full spectrum of treatment from pediatric to geriatric rehabilitation. Aram Rehab provides great therapy for common conditions such as substance abuse, drug addiction, sports injuries, arthritis, spine and neurological disorders, and provides orthopedic rehabilitation after surgery. It also has unique specialized programs such as treatment for vertigo, balance disorders, headaches, behavioral disorders, and has a dedicated family therapy health treatment center. It is very common for patients to want to return to Aram for other musculoskeletal problems once they have received treatment here. Thanks to the commitment and dedication of the therapists and support staff, Aram Rehab continues to be able to strive towards their goal of providing cutting edge rehabilitation and helping to get patients healthy and back to their favorite activities. I am proud to serve as the rehabilitation director for Aram Rehab and I look forward to continuing to share the goal of providing the highest quality, comprehensive patient care.